It is the harvest moon tonight. 中秋節快楽!!
We, Japanese, have an old custom that is Tsukimi or Otsukimi (moon-viewing), with providing some dumplings together with pampas grass and bush clover as an offering to the full moon, at the time of harvest moon
Unfortunately, I can't do Otsukimi tonight. Because it is bad weather due to the approaching of the typhoon.
For more clear and lovely view in lightbox!!!
Have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead!!

A dragonfly has flown away rapidly
Autumn breeze touches me gently
Autumn flowers sway in autumn breeze calmly
Pale autumn sunlight makes flowers shine softly
This is my unfinished poetry. I sincerely hope anyone takes over to finish this poem completely!!!
Appreciating for your looking in flickriver.
Wishing you all a great weekend!!
The red spider lily has many names in Japan.
The most common name is called Higan-Bana (彼岸花). Because, this flower usually blooms around the autumn equinox. By the way, Higan means Spring and Autumnal Equinox.
The next common name is Manju-Shage(曼珠沙華) that the name is derived from the sutra of Buddhism. Other names are Ghost Flower(幽霊花), Hell Flower(地獄花), Dead Person Flower(死人花) and more.
It is said that the flower has more than a thousand names if include all the regional or local dialects in Japan.
Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
The photo above was taken on the river side with the bright sunlight of the early autumn afternoon.
A dragonfly came and perched on top of the spider lily just before coming into bloom.
So, I tried to take a photo of a spider lily and a dragonfly in the reflected sunlight shining on ripples of the river.
The spider lily has begun to bloom, it has been delayed almost ten days compared with past years due to the intense heat of this summer.
For better view, try to look the image in the lightbox, and thank you for your kind comments and fave.
Wishing you all a happy day!!
The purpose of this basil is to use for mainly cooking, and I enjoy to look flowers too. The flower of basil is less noticeable, but I like pretty little flower. I make a flower of the basil bloom and take some seeds for plantation of the next year.
Thank you for looking in lightbox.
Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and weekend!
The world's largest trade fair for photography equipments, called Photokina, started from September 17th in Cologne, Germany.
Most major suppliers announced their new products at that trade fair.
For example, Canon announced the new product that is full sized image sensor based EOS 6D. Nikon has announced Nikon D600 which also has full sized image sensor. Both of products appeal much lower price than previous model. We, consumer, are looking forward to look and get those new products. Nikon D600 will be started to sell from the end of this month, and Canon EOS 6D will be released sometime in December this year, suppliers announced.
Both Canon and Nikon appealed their new models as smallest and lightest full sized image sensor based Digital SLRC in the world.
On the other hand, my most notable camera is FUJIFILM X-E1 that is mirror-less DSLC. I am very much interested in this camera rather than Canon or Nikon.

In aerodynamic theories, it hasn't been thought that carpenter bees can fly.
Because the wings are too small compared with his body. However, he can fly. Why????
"and the moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it." from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens by Sir James Matthew Barrie
Carpenter bee never doubt himself at all, he can fly!!
Have a wonderful day!!
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In Japan, we have a national holiday today that is Respect for the Aged Day!
The photo is dedicated to all aged person.
In the present, on the Japanese population composition, the number of elderly people aged 65 or over is reached 30 million and its population ratio is 24%.
From the fact of this figure, you could understand a fact to say that about one in four people is an aged in Japan.
The baby boomers have also reached the age of 65.
I wish you all a wonderful day.
Thank you for viewing in lightbox.

Please stop there!
But, she didn't stop after all !!
All the best wishes on this wonderful Sunday.

taken by Olympus E-P3 + Voigtlander Nokton 25mm f/0.95 + C-PL Filter
In this summer, how many wonderful memories did you make??
In my case, I have many wonderful memories as I uploaded my photos to my photostream in flickr.
Please be relaxed and refreshed with the wonderful photos of Mamories of Summer in Japan.
Thank you for visiting lightbox.
I wish you a happy weekend!

Most Japanese children like the motion picture of Thomas the Tank Engine and friends on TV.
Not only the TV program but also toys of Thomas & friends are popular among children, and Thomas has many friends. From right to left, Thomas, James and Bill.
Please try back in the heart of kid, and watch the motion picture Thomas and Gorden, just 6 minutes story told by Ringo Starr.
Try to click here for more clear view.
Thank you for looking and have a happy Tuesday!!

It was not a telephoto lens at that time, so I thought I'd get close to the subject as much as possible. And I hoped to the skipper. Don't fly away!
Thank you for looking in Large.
I wish you a wonderful week.

In the late afternoon or just before twilight, warm light of lamps tempt me to the pub.
For better view in large, try to click here.
Thank you for your stopping by and have a happy weekend.
The flower, hardy begonia, is called Shoe-Kaido in Japanese. This flower is defined as a flower of autumn based on the condition of Kigo in the world of Haiku (Japanese Poetry).
The climate condition is still in summer, but the world of art such as poetry is already in autumn.
Yes, summer is gone, autumn is coming.
By the way, the word of dragonfly is also used as a term of autumn in the world of Haiku.
The spirit or heart to love for the changing of the seasons has been incorporated in the Japanese DNA from the ancient times.
Thank you for viewing in Black.
Wishing you all a wonderful Friday!!

The EOS 7D has been evolved further with the firmware version 2 which has released last month from Canon Inc.
The image above is the first shot by EOS 7D after installed new firmware version 2.
Although the usability of EOS 7D has been greatly improved with adoption of the new firmware, the image above is not satisfied in terms of aperture setting, metering mode selection and focusing as you can see. I think this work shows that my photography skills are still poor.
Thank you for looking in Black&Large.
Have a wonderful day!

I wanted to take pictures of a dragonfly that was perched on top of a ear of the stone rabbit. Unfortunately, the dragonfly was already flied out from the sight when I released the shutter.
I missed it, because of the manual focusing lens, I took a little bit long time for focusing.
However, the picture is not bad even the dragonfly was not taken, so I decided to upload the image here.
Thank you for viewing in Black&Large.
I wish you all a great Monday!

It is a beautiful dahlia bloomed in the bright sunlight of summer.
The name of this flower called "Dahlia Moonfire" that i learned from the Royal Horticultural Society in the UK.
Thank you for looking in BLACK&LARGE.
I wish you a great week ahead.

I would like to share a refreshing image with you for your lovely Sunday.
I would be so happy if the image in Black&Large could refresh you!
Have a wonderful Sunday!!

According to the latest weather forecast, today's temperature will rise to close 90℉.
Every one to take pictures in the open air, be careful not to become heat stroke!