I planted several lilies of the valley in my garden few years ago. And the lily of the valley has continued to increase every year. Currently, a flower bed has been occupied thickly by lily of the valley.
I enjoyed so refreshing scent of flowers of the lily of the valley while taking pictures.

This photograph seems to be quite old. The houses along by the canal were built in the middle of 1800s.
Do you believe that the photograph was taken in the old days?
This photograph was taken recently and re-touched by free software.
The Golden Week starts today in Japan. A lot of people will come to this park also. Because, it is now best time to see tulip, grape hyacinth, baby blue-eyes and other flowers.
It is said that 270,000 tulips of 170 species are planted in this park now.
The photos were taken in the Hitachi Seaside National Government Park.
Thank you for looking in the lightbox.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The image was taken on 25th April at the Hitachi Seaside National Government Park (国営ひたち海浜公園).
The park has area of 350ha and one of the Japan's National Government Parks. The park area was the Air Force Base in Japanese army during the World War II.
This hill is called "Miharashi-no-oka" which means a hill with a fine view. When we stand on top of the hill, we can enjoy the panoramic view of 360 degrees including the Pacific ocean view. The whole hill is covered with baby blue-eyes in spring, and Kochia (burningbush) and cosmos will cover up the hill in autumn.
The image above has been optimized to look in the lightbox with full-screen.
Thank you for looking and wishing you all a wonderful Friday and weekend.
Koinobori is a carp-shaped wind streamer or windsock which will be hoisted to celebrate for the Children's day.
Approximately 60 Koinoboris are flown here.
I hope you enjoy the colorful image in lightbox.

I saw the news on TV and other medias about the 7-magnitude earthquake struck the Sichuan province in China on 20th April.
It’s a terrible situation, a lot of people still afraid of aftershocks and await water and food.
I've been to Chengdu(成都) the capital city of Sichuan province(四川省) twice. That place is so beautiful area with depth green and homeland of Giant Panda. So I really hope that all victims should be rescued as early as possible. However, I'm afraid that Chinese government declined offers for support from the international community.
I found poppies on the road side when I took a stroll in my neighbourhood.
There was not such a flower in that place before.
It is one of pleasures of the stroll to discover such unexpected thing.
Have a happy new week!!
The bright yellow flower associates the British gold coin GUINEA.
According to the Royal Horticultural Society, the plant shown in above is called Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'.
It is slightly troublesome to take the photograph of this flower.
The flowers of Kerria bloom on the weak arching branches that sway even in the light breeze.
Therefore, particularly, it is hard to focus on a flower of kerria in case of manual focusing lens.
So, I had to wait a little while for breeze to stop completely.

I would like to share the images of sweet-smelling flowers with you for your happy weekend.
I really want to send you a sweet smell of this flowers. I enjoyed the scent of flowers while taking pictures and I didn't want to leave the place.
Best viewing is in lightbox with full-screen.
Thank you for your looking and wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!
A train of 115 series is running on a local railway which is called Ryomo Line of the East Japan Railway Company.
This local railway, operation started in 1888, connects Oyama station in Tochigi Pref. with Shin-Maebashi station in Gumma Pref. and its operation distance is about 84Km (52 miles) with 18 stations including both terminals. The journey takes about one and half hours from Oyama to Shin-Maebashi.

I planted some tulip bulbs in my flower bed last autumn. Only this tulip has different petals from others as shown in the photo above.
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Thank you for your viewing and have a happy Thursday!
The pear blossom is one of the typical flowers of spring in the area I live. There are many pear farms in my neighbourhood.
The photo was taken in an abandoned nashi pear farm.
Too many flowers on a branch like cherry blossoms, in this case, it is good for enjoyment of viewing the flower. But, it is no good for fruit.
All pear trees in this farm have been overgrown, because of that pruning works have not been done long time due to the manpower shortage. The farm owner is more than 80-year-old, all of his children had gone to city to find easy way of life.
This is one of the hard realities of Japanese farmers that is leading to the steady decline of the Japanese agriculture.

This is the last photo of SAKURA to be shared from my photostream in this season.
The cherry blossom front is moving up north. So I'm looking forward to view more photos of SAKURA to be shared from other flickr members who live in northern countries.
Thank you for viewing the photo on lightbox with full-screen.
Wishing you all a happy Sunday and wonderful week ahead!
An ephemeral plant seen above is called "Azuma-Ichige" in Japanese and it is one of species in genus of Anemone.
recommend to view on lightbox
Thank you for viewing and happy weekend to you all!!
Kindergarten children who enjoy a snack and cherry blossom viewing under the cherry tree.
But, they were likely to be interested in snacks rather than HANAMI.
The photo was taken a few years ago at a Buddhist temple, and the photo is shared from my archive.
More clear viewing is in lightbox with full-screen.
Thank you for your viewing and wishing you a wonderful weekend!
It was an impressive scene that a train and platform were brightened up by the setting sun.
High school students get on a train to get back home.
This local line connects Tatebayashi station in Gunma Pref. and Kuzuu station in Tochigi Pref. and operation distance is about 14 miles in mostly rural area.