It was opened for public last month. This is the private art museum opened by a lady who carried out her father's wishes. This unique formed architecture was designed by Mr. Hiroshi Nakamura who is one of the leading architects in Japan and he recieved an award of the Good Design Award 2008 on his creations as Dancing Trees, Singing Birds.
I am very proud of this museum opened in my town.
The art museum named the Roku-museum in my town
A scene of the water hyacinth field with train
taken by Canon EOS 40D with EF-S17-85mm 1:4-5.6 IS USM, 1/320 f/11 ISO400, Aperture Priority AE
A scene of the International exchange
The photo was taken at the Chinese lantern fair held in the Senso-ji temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo this early summer.
A foreign tourist was taken photo together with female sellers just in front of their stall.
taken by Canon EOS 40D with EF-S17-85mm 1:4-5.6IS USM, 1/640 f/5 ISO800 Aperture Priority AE
Morning Glory Fair at Iriya town, Tokyo

A street snap at the Morning Glory Festival held in the Iriya town, Tokyo. Young women are wearing the traditional Japanese Kimono called Yukata and they are strolling in the festival place.
taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with D. Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 1/350 f/5.6 ISO400 Aperture Priority AE
Morning Glory Fair at Iriya town, Tokyo

Morning Glory Fair is held from 6th to 8th July at Iriya town, Tokyo. The fair was started about 60 years ago and it will be held for three days from 6th to 8th of July each year.
Young women disguise themselves as temporary hawkers with wearing of the traditional hawker's costumes and they call out to passers-by to purchase.
More photos of the fair can be seen in my gallery.
taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with M. Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 1/125 f/11 ISO400
Hydrangea in the rainy season
The gloomy weather has been continued over past few days because of the rainy season now. But the hydrangea is most beautiful in the rainy season.
taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with Ai Micro Nikor 55mm 1:2.8, 1/125 f/2.8 ISO100 Aperture Priority AE
Flying over cherry blossoms
The Carp-streamers (Koinobori) are flying over the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
The hoisting of Koinobori is one of the Japanese traditional customs to celebrate Children's Day on 5th May.
taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with M. Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm F3.5-5.6, 1/160 f/11 Aperture Priority AE, ISO100
Cherry blossoms in bloom overhead
The cherry blossoms in full bloom covered the overhead. It is very wonderful and refreshing when we go for a walking under the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
taken by Olympus PEN E-P1 with M ZUIKO DIGITAL 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6, 1/320 f/10 ISO200 Aparture Priority AE
People can enjoy twice of cherry blossoms viewing in a season at the city where I live. An indigenous of cherry tree called Omoigawa-Sakura comes into bloom after finishing of general or common cherry blossoms. The cherry tree is hybride of two species of cherry trees, and it is the city flower of Oyama city in Tochigi Pref., Japan.
taken by Olympus PEN E-P1 with M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6, 1/500 f/5.6 ISO200 Aparture Priority AE
私の住んでいる街では、お花見が2度楽しめます。 思川桜という固有種は普通の桜が散った後咲きます。この桜は2種類の桜の交配種で、小山市の市の花です。
The season of fresh green foliage
The season of fresh green foliage starts soon after falling of cherry blossoms scattered. This is the fresh green foliage of Japanese maple.
taken by EOS40D with EF-S60mm F2.8 macro USM 1/800 f/2.8 ISO200 Aperture Priority AE
an old cherry tree in full bloom
This is an image of my most favorite place, especially in cherry blossom season, where is an approach road to the old and historic Buddhism temple.
There are many old cherry trees on both side of approach road
taken by EOS40D Carl Zeiss Planar T*1.4 50mm 1/400 f/3.5 ISO200 Aperture Priority AE
a bowing narcissus
This type of narcissus blooms every year at front yard. But, all of them come into bloom over toward the ground.
taken by EOS40D EF-S60mm 1:2.8 macro USM 1/160 f/7.1 +0.7EV ISO200 Aperture Priority
Katakuri in full bloom

This is a typical flower that blooms in early spring and it is called Katakuri in Japanese. It is now in full bloom in MIkamo-Yama mountain in Tochigi Pref. Japan.
taken by CANON EOS40D with Carl Zeiss Planar f/1.4 50mm
Good News for Abbey Road Studios

I was deeply disappointed with the news that the Abbey Road Studio is now for sale. Therefore, I posted the photo above to my photostream in flickr and asserted "save the Abbey Road Studio", because I strongly hope that the studio should be saved. After posting the photo, I recieved a wonderful news from my flickr friend Ollie by return and he said that Sir Paul McCartney could buy it so that the studio will be saved. That was a realy wonderful news for me and I felt easy about it.
taken by Olympus SP350 no EXIF dataa available
アビーロード・スタジオが売りに出ているというニュースに大いに失望しました。そこで、flickr(写真投稿サイト)の自分のサイト上に写真を投稿し、「アビーロード・スタジオを保存すべきだ」と主張したのでした。 写真を投稿すると、flickr内の友達であるOllieより折り返し素敵なニュースを受け取りました。それは、ポール・マッカートニーがスタジオを買うので保存できることになるというものであった。本当に喜ばしいニュースであり、ひとまずはほっとしたのであった。
A bloom in winter, Camellia Sasanqua

This will be the last bloom of Camellia Sasanqua in this winter season. This is a typical winter flower which is native to Japan. This plant was introduced to Europe in middle of 19th century by Dutch traders. It is now very popular winter flower not only in Europe and Japan as well as in the USA and Australia.
taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6, Aperture Priority AE, F5.6 1/20 ISO800
Spring is just around the corner.

This plant is one of the species of Bergenia. I found it came into bloom last week in a corner of my front yard. In Japanese, we call it Himalaya Yukinoshita which means under the Himalayan snow because the plant is native to Central Asia and Himalayan area. This flowering plant normally comes out in the early spring, around the beginning of March, but this year, it came into bloom one month earlier than usual.
taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6, f6.3 1/500 ISO400 Aperture Priority AE
この植物はユキノシタ科ベルゲニア属の一種で、ヒマラヤユキノシタといい、原産は中央アジアおよびヒマラヤ地方です。先週、我が家の前庭の片隅で咲き始めたのに気付きました。 この花は例年早春の3月初め頃に咲きますが、今年は普段よりもひと月早く咲き始めました。
A finest story, Hope for Haiti

I was deeply touched by a only 7-year-old boy, Charlie Simpson, in the UK who raised donations to Haiti earthquake victims by internet. He opened his web site for asking donations under his parent's help. He secceeded to collect One Hundred Fortyeight Thousand Pounds within two days only, and money will be donated through UNISEF, newspaper reported here in Japan. That is absolutely a finest anecdote.
image was taken by CANON EOS40D with EF-S17-85mm F4-5.6 IS USM, 1/320 f7.1 ISO800, Aperture Priority AE
Narcissus in midwinter

This type of species of Narcissus blooms in the midwinter. We feel spring is coming before long when we look such narsissus in bloom even in the cold air of midwinter. It was balmy out yesterday, so I went out with my camera for a driving. I found that narcissuses were in full bloom beautifuly just in front of an old buddhism temple located on the skirts of a mountain.
taken by Canon EOS40D with EF-S17-85mm F4-5.6 IS USM, 1/30 f20 -0.7 of Exposure Bias, Aperture Priority AE
この種類の水仙は寒中に咲きます。大寒の冷たい空気の中にもかかわらず、この花を見ると春遠からじを感じます。 昨日は天気が穏やかで、カメラを持ってドライブに出かけました。 山の裾野にある, とある古いお寺の前に美しく咲く水仙を見つけました。
love to be in warm places

The above image was taken by my first digital camera Minolta DiMage 7 in back to 2002 at a patio, faces the Indian Ocean, in the Galle Face Hotel, colombo. I used to see gorgeous sunset with drinking cold beer in this wonderful place. I really love to be in any tropical countries whenever in winter season of Japan.
A similar image can be seen in BlackMagic on my flickr's photostream.
taken by Minolta DiMage7, 7-50.8mm F2.8~3.5, f8 1/300 IS100 Aperture priority Mode
Hope for Haiti
I was deeply moved by the charity conceret for Haiti held by great and world's famous musicians like Madonna, Stevie Wonder and others in the US just recently. This image, taken in sometime last October, is to be dedicated to all of supporters to Haiti and all victims. Another dedication can be seen in my photostream of flickr.
taken by Canon EOS40D with EF 100mm macro F2.8 USM, f4.5 1/125 ISO400 Aperture Piority mode
waiting for spring, buds of the oriental paperbush

Cold and strong wind started to blow from late last night, and it was a sharp drop in the temperature this morning. It was very warm yesterday, but today was so cold and more than 10 degree Celsius lower than yesterday. I have come to know again it is still winter now, so buds are still hard and waiting for spring.
This plant is called Mitsumata in Japanese and the scientific name is Edgeworthia chrysantha. As for the English name, it is called Oriental Paperbush. The bark of this plant is used for raw material of Washi (means Japanese paper).
taken by Canon EOS40D with EF 100mm F2.8 macro USM, aperture priority mode, f8, 1/100, ISO400
feel spring on a pink plum blossom

I found a Prunus Mume in a park nearby my house when I went out for a walking as my daily exercise. It was warm today and yesterday that was alomost same climate conditions as middle or end of March TV news reported. I felt that the spring is around the corner because of that I did not need an overcoat for a walking and I found a plum blossom.
For better view in large and black backdrop
the image taken by Olympus E-P1 with M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 and aperture priority mode, f5.5 1/160 ISO200
a smiling statue

The above image was taken in Singapore several years ago at my 60th visit . I was fascinated by wonderful smile even though it was just a statue.
The image was taken by CANON EOS10D with EF 28-105mm 1:3.5-4.5 II USM and Aperture priority mode