
Not only a lack of sleep but also................??????

Not only a lack of sleep but also have an upset stomach.
I was glued to the TV until dawn to watch the women’s football games Japan vs. Canada and Sweden vs. South Africa. While I was watching TV, I had some of canned beer with snacks. So I have had an upset stomach since this morning.


women's football game, Japan vs. Canada

taken by Olympus PEN E-P3 + Voigtlander Nokton 25mm f/0.95

The time difference between London and Tokyo is 9 hours. So we will be facing a lack of sleep from tonight until the Olympic 2012 in London is over.
The grand opening of the Olympic 2012 will be on July 27th, but some of the games like women's football game will be held in advance. The women's football game of Japan vs. Canada will be kicked-off at 01:00 a.m. on July 26th at Japan time.
Mr Norio Sasaki chief coach of The Japan Women's National Football Team told that the team tries to get 3 points wins the game. I will be glued to the TV in midnight and I will be in a lack of sleep.


Canon EOS-M

Untitled, originally uploaded by photoholic image.

According to the newspaper this morning, Canon announced that the mirror-less single-lens camera EOS-M will be newly released in sometime of coming September. I felt happy on that news because many of my canon lenses can be used to the EOS-M, if I bought it.
On the other hand, after checking its specifications and features, I was deeply disappointed the EOS-M that it has not provided EVF (electronics view finder). Most experienced photographers will make comments on EOS-M that there is something not quite satisfying about this camera.
As you aware that the Thin Film Transistor (TFT) based colour monitor is widely used in digital cameras, however, the TFT monitor is insufficient visibility especially under the bright place. Therefore, most photographers feel necessity of EVF so that many manufacturers provide EVF in their products like Sony α NEX-7, Nikon 1V1, Olympus OM-D and Fuji X-Pro-1. Therefore, I'm concerned about that Canon could not lead the market in the field of mirror-less camera.
In conclusion, I will not buy the EOS-M. I will only consider to purchase it if the camera has a view finder.


Canon vs. Nikon

taken by Canon EOS 7D + EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM


I found an interesting article in the newspaper this morning. The title of the article was “Canon vs. Nikon in the London Olympic”.
The article said that Canon always led the market of digital camera (in terms of Single-lens reflex camera). In the past sports photography especially in the Olympic games, Canon always kept top position, most photojournalists used Canon because of the quick continuous focusing for moving subjects. However, last Olympic held in Beijing, Nikon’s share was increased, as a results, share ratio of Canon and Nikon was 6:4, Nikon closed in Canon at Beijing Olympic.
Well now, Canon EOS-1DX or Nikon D4, which one wins the battle of market share in the London Olympic that's our another interest besides the games in Olympic 2012 in London.

The London Olympic starts from next week, I'll be in lack of sleep !
Wishing you a happy weekend.


Happy to share

The photograph uploaded here was taken by CANON EOS10D + EF100mm f/2.8 macro USM.

EOS10D was released in 2002, I bought it 10 years ago, but still it can be used. In addition to EOS10D, I have also EOS40D and EOS7D. However, at present, those EOS cameras are in dead storage. I'm using mostly Olympus PEN E-P3, because it is so light and compact, in addition, the Pen E-P3 has good enough of functions or features so that I can take quite good photos with stress-free.
On the other hand, still I'm dreaming to get EOS 5D Mark-III with full sized image sensor, but it is over my budget, so, I'm now under the hard negotiations with my wife to agree for additional budget, but the outlook for my negotiation isn't bright, so far.


dried Chinese lanterns, an offering to souls of ancestors

Dried Chinese lantern is used as an offering to the spirits of ancestors at the Obon festival. Bon or Obon festival is one of the Japanese cultures. Most Japanese Buddhists believe that the ancestral spirits return from the world of death to their home during the Bon period.

A little hawker holds a potted Chinese lantern

The festival of Chinese lantern fair held in Asakusa on 9th and 10th of July, the festival began from early 1700s.

Isabella Bird described Asakusa in her book like “Every day is a festival-day at Asakusa; the temple is dedicated to the most popular of the great divinities ; it is the most popular or religious resorts ; and whether he be Buddhist, Shintoist, or Christian, no stranger comes to the capital without making a visit to its crowded courts or a purchase at its tempting booths.”

From the past, Asakusa is always crowded with so many people.


A festival in Asakusa

A festival in Asakusa, originally uploaded by photoholic image.
This is a scene of the festival called the Chinese lantern fair or market held in the Sensou-ji Buddhism temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. The festival is held annually in every July. It is said that people pray to this temple on this day whoever can receive divine grace or fortune coming over forty-six thousand days. A lot of people visit here, and we can hear various languages like English, Korean, German, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog and also Bahasa, because of that here is the most famous tourist destination in Tokyo.

I recommend you to see the image in black.
Thank you for viewing. Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday.

The road leads to Nikko

The road leads to Nikko, originally uploaded by photoholic image.
Isabella Bird, who was a British woman explorer, wrote about this road in her book titled “Unbeaten Trucks in Japan” as follows.

Two roads lead Nikko. Along the Reiheishi-Kaido, the road by which I came, it extends for thirty miles, and broken frequently by villages, converge upon the village of Imaichi, eight miles from Nikko, and only terminate at the entrance of the town.
The avenue of the Reiheishi-kaido is a good carriage road with sloping banks eight feet high, covered with grass and ferns. At the top of these are the cryptomeria, then two grassy walks, and between these and the cultivation a screen of saplings and brushwood. A great many of trees become two at four feet from the ground.
There is a deep solemnity about this glorious avenue with its broad shade and dancing lights, and the rare glimpses of high mountains.

She wrote the book in 1878 based of her 1,400miles explore in the northern part of Japan, just only a decade after this country opened its door to the Western countries.
This road has not been changed from the past、but the difference is only the pavement.

I took this photo while driving.


A gerbera produced in the Netherlands bloomed in my garden

My country, Japan, imports a great variety of things from many other countries. I show one of examples in the photo above. This is the first bloom of a gerbera in my garden since I planted seeds two months ago. The seeds were imported from the Netherlands. Some more gerberas are expected to bloom soon. I will try to bloom tulips also coming from the Netherlands next spring.
I wish you a wonderful Saturday!


reflections on canal, a seagull on gas light・・・・・

This area is the major tourist spot of Otaru, Hokkaido, since the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan selected the area to the 100 beautiful urban landscapes in 1986. The canal was completed in 1961 by the reclamation work.
The old houses on right side of canal had been used as warehouse when the port of Otaru was the most booming time. Today, those warehouses are used for restaurant, bar, cafe and various shops, so the area became most attractive night spot in Otaru. The warehouses are lighted up until midnight and canal side pavement is also lighted up by the gas lights.

I had rain most during my trip, but, the rain was just stopped only this time.
If the weather is fine, the area is so beautiful like this wonderful image.
Have a look at another great capture!!! Both of wonderful images were shared by LuciaLin.
Thank you LuciaLin for your sharing such wonderful images.
Thank you for you viewing and wishing you a lovely weekend!


The flower is widely noticed by the nuclear plant accident of Japan

Today, I would like to introduce a serious topic relating to the plant shown in above.

This is the most suitable flower for the radioactive detection.
It is well known that flowers of tradescantia or spiderworts are mutated by a very small amount of radiation exposure even though the radiation level is less than the safety standard decided by the Japanese Government. The purple coloured stamens will be changed to pink colour in about ten to twelve days after radiation exposure that means the genetic mutation occurred in cells of stamens due to the radioactive contamination.
Such phenomenon is widely seen in the surrounding areas of nuclear plants not only in Fukusima but also in the Hamaoka, Takahama, Shimane, Tokai-mura and other nuclear power plants, even in Germany and the USA.
It has been empirically confirmed by biologists that all tradescantias planted in those areas had genetic mutation. According to those results, most experts are sounding an alarm that we have to aware serious problem of the radiation leaking from nuclear plants all the time. Accordingly, we have to have serious concern about the cumulative lifetime radiation exposure of all lives in the surrounding areas of nuclear plants.

The tradescantia or spiderworts is native to North America, and it has already been naturalized as a wild plant in Japan. So, you can find it everywhere in Japan. If you are living in the northern part of Kanto area or surrounding area of nuclear plant, you would be better to observe the flowers very carefully whether it is purple stamen or pink stamen. If the flower has pink stamen, that area is thought as the radiation hotspot and/or contaminated area caused by either the accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant or radioactive leaking from the nearest nuclear power plant.

Try to check the stamens whether purple or pink in large size. Have a happy Tuesday!!


Wind-bells hanged from the eaves of shop front

Glass wind-bells were hanged from eaves of a glass-shop in Otaru, Hokkaido.
Each of wind-bells has a different clear sound. When I hear such clear sound, I feel coolness. We have many varieties of wind-bell or wind-chime called Fu-rin (風鈴)in Japanese.
The image above shows the wind bell made from glass, but, copper, bronze, porcelain and steel made wind-bells are also common. As for more detail about Fu-rin, you can refer also to the essay written by Mr. Walter J. Humphery.

Thank you for your viewing. I wish you a wonderful week.


A baby mantis on cosmos

A baby mantis on cosmos, originally uploaded by photoholic image.
A baby mantis was playing on the cosmos just started to bloom in my yard. I found it this morning.
Click here or just press L for better view.

Thank you for viewing and wishing you a happy Sunday evening.

A common gardenia bloomed in my garden

This is the first bloom since I planted a seedling of common gardenia in my garden several years ago. The flower gives off so sweet scent.

I wish you a happy Sunday.