Isabella Bird, who was a British woman explorer, wrote about this road in her book titled “Unbeaten Trucks in Japan” as follows.
Two roads lead Nikko. Along the Reiheishi-Kaido, the road by which I came, it extends for thirty miles, and broken frequently by villages, converge upon the village of Imaichi, eight miles from Nikko, and only terminate at the entrance of the town.
The avenue of the Reiheishi-kaido is a good carriage road with sloping banks eight feet high, covered with grass and ferns. At the top of these are the cryptomeria, then two grassy walks, and between these and the cultivation a screen of saplings and brushwood. A great many of trees become two at four feet from the ground.
There is a deep solemnity about this glorious avenue with its broad shade and dancing lights, and the rare glimpses of high mountains.
She wrote the book in 1878 based of her 1,400miles explore in the northern part of Japan, just only a decade after this country opened its door to the Western countries.
This road has not been changed from the past、but the difference is only the pavement.
I took this photo while driving.
Two roads lead Nikko. Along the Reiheishi-Kaido, the road by which I came, it extends for thirty miles, and broken frequently by villages, converge upon the village of Imaichi, eight miles from Nikko, and only terminate at the entrance of the town.
The avenue of the Reiheishi-kaido is a good carriage road with sloping banks eight feet high, covered with grass and ferns. At the top of these are the cryptomeria, then two grassy walks, and between these and the cultivation a screen of saplings and brushwood. A great many of trees become two at four feet from the ground.
There is a deep solemnity about this glorious avenue with its broad shade and dancing lights, and the rare glimpses of high mountains.
She wrote the book in 1878 based of her 1,400miles explore in the northern part of Japan, just only a decade after this country opened its door to the Western countries.
This road has not been changed from the past、but the difference is only the pavement.
I took this photo while driving.
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