
The flower is widely noticed by the nuclear plant accident of Japan

Today, I would like to introduce a serious topic relating to the plant shown in above.

This is the most suitable flower for the radioactive detection.
It is well known that flowers of tradescantia or spiderworts are mutated by a very small amount of radiation exposure even though the radiation level is less than the safety standard decided by the Japanese Government. The purple coloured stamens will be changed to pink colour in about ten to twelve days after radiation exposure that means the genetic mutation occurred in cells of stamens due to the radioactive contamination.
Such phenomenon is widely seen in the surrounding areas of nuclear plants not only in Fukusima but also in the Hamaoka, Takahama, Shimane, Tokai-mura and other nuclear power plants, even in Germany and the USA.
It has been empirically confirmed by biologists that all tradescantias planted in those areas had genetic mutation. According to those results, most experts are sounding an alarm that we have to aware serious problem of the radiation leaking from nuclear plants all the time. Accordingly, we have to have serious concern about the cumulative lifetime radiation exposure of all lives in the surrounding areas of nuclear plants.

The tradescantia or spiderworts is native to North America, and it has already been naturalized as a wild plant in Japan. So, you can find it everywhere in Japan. If you are living in the northern part of Kanto area or surrounding area of nuclear plant, you would be better to observe the flowers very carefully whether it is purple stamen or pink stamen. If the flower has pink stamen, that area is thought as the radiation hotspot and/or contaminated area caused by either the accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant or radioactive leaking from the nearest nuclear power plant.

Try to check the stamens whether purple or pink in large size. Have a happy Tuesday!!

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