
Good News for Abbey Road Studios

I was deeply disappointed with the news that the Abbey Road Studio is now for sale. Therefore, I posted the photo above to my photostream in flickr and asserted "save the Abbey Road Studio", because I strongly hope that the studio should be saved. After posting the photo, I recieved a wonderful news from my flickr friend Ollie by return and he said that Sir Paul McCartney could buy it so that the studio will be saved. That was a realy wonderful news for me and I felt easy about it.

taken by Olympus SP350 no EXIF dataa available

アビーロード・スタジオが売りに出ているというニュースに大いに失望しました。そこで、flickr(写真投稿サイト)の自分のサイト上に写真を投稿し、「アビーロード・スタジオを保存すべきだ」と主張したのでした。 写真を投稿すると、flickr内の友達であるOllieより折り返し素敵なニュースを受け取りました。それは、ポール・マッカートニーがスタジオを買うので保存できることになるというものであった。本当に喜ばしいニュースであり、ひとまずはほっとしたのであった。


A bloom in winter, Camellia Sasanqua

This will be the last bloom of Camellia Sasanqua in this winter season. This is a typical winter flower which is native to Japan. This plant was introduced to Europe in middle of 19th century by Dutch traders. It is now very popular winter flower not only in Europe and Japan as well as in the USA and Australia. 

taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6, Aperture Priority AE, F5.6 1/20 ISO800



Spring is just around the corner.

This plant is one of the species of Bergenia. I found it came into bloom last week in a corner of my front yard. In Japanese, we call it Himalaya Yukinoshita which means under the Himalayan snow because the plant is native to Central Asia and Himalayan area. This flowering plant normally comes out in the early spring, around the beginning of March, but this year, it came into bloom one month earlier than usual.

taken by Olympus Pen E-P1 with M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6, f6.3 1/500 ISO400 Aperture Priority AE

この植物はユキノシタ科ベルゲニア属の一種で、ヒマラヤユキノシタといい、原産は中央アジアおよびヒマラヤ地方です。先週、我が家の前庭の片隅で咲き始めたのに気付きました。 この花は例年早春の3月初め頃に咲きますが、今年は普段よりもひと月早く咲き始めました。